Everyone has experience anxiety and panic attack one-way or another whether it’s through, fear, stress or taking a formable (hard) test at school or work. Panic attacks symptoms usually involve self- doubt, insecurity, confusion and fear. Depending on the individual some panic attacks can be too powerful to deal with and can lead up to multiple type phobias. There are 8 known types of disorders that cause anxiety and phobia: Generalized anxiety disorder, Phobias, Agoraphobia, Social anxiety disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder and Separation anxiety. Some of these disorders can work heavily on children, teens and adults without proper treatment. But there is help online or offline!


Anxiety disorder: Can be a personal loss of a friend; love one or a pet, emotional attachment to a romantic relationship or significant life change of fears from good to worst. Stimulants such as: caffeine and nicotine and also other drugs that’s prescribe or not can often act as triggers to multiple phobia to anxiety attacks. Today people who are suffering or suffered with anxiety disorder are using natural cures as an alternative fighter against these different types phobia. Natural cures are not new to anxiety disorders and can help improve anxiety and stress. Natural cures remedies, supplements and psychologist who study the pattern of anxiety and phobia can be found online or offline to help anyone that may be experiencing anxiety. So please DON’T stress get HELP!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Agoraphobia Panic Attack Information

Agoraphobia is generally considered an anxiety or panic disorder, commonly referred to as the fear of traveling. This fear can range from not being able to travel a few hours away from the home, all the way down to not being able to leave your home all together. An agoraphobia panic attack is basically an attack that occurs when an agoraphobic attempts to go beyond their “safe” boundaries.

The problem with treating an agoraphobia panic attack is that the only real way to overcome the attack is for the person to attempt to push their limits. This is the reason why many agoraphobics tend to get worse before they get better. It is easy for an agoraphobic to ignore their problem, since all they have to do is not travel beyond their limits but unfortunately while being easy to ignore, agoraphobia also tends to be the most stifling of the symptoms that can arise from chronic panic disorder.

Begin With Baby Steps

The best thing an agoraphobic can do to stem their agoraphobia panic attacks, is to begin taking baby steps. Setting goals to overcome their attacks is the only way an agoraphobic will ever be able to finally master their fears. This process is best done with the help of family and friends, who can help you to make those steps all the while keeping the person assured of their relative safety.

It isn’t completely known what causes agoraphobic panic attacks, or why the panic attacks manifest in this form. It is suspected that many agoraphobics already had the propensity for being afraid of travel, with many of them being the type that experienced motion sickness before they ever experience panic attacks.

The Unknown

An Agoraphobia panic attack is particularly frustrating to the sufferer themselves. Mainly because the attack is even less rational then a standard panic attack. Why they experience a fear of traveling beyond a certain distance, or going to a certain place is unknown. But anyone of the numerous anxiety / panic disorders can take root and cause agoraphobia.

Social anxiety can lead to a fear of certain public places, especially grocery stores and other places that have a large gathering of people. On the other hand general panic disorder can cause the panic sufferer to become embarrassed of their own disorder, which leads to a fear of traveling outside and having a panic attack. It just goes to show the difficulties that are had in identifying and dealing with an agoraphobia panic attack.

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